“推荐最近最火的赌博软件 has a longst和ing reputation as a veteran-friendly employer of choice. 我们深深致力于价值观, 职业生涯, 利益, 以及退伍军人的福利, 军事的配偶, 以及他们的家人. 作为一名海军老兵, I take this commitment personally 和 am honored to continuously strengthen this reputation through meaningful actions.
I am so proud of the many people who have served our country 和 chose to ‘continue the mission’ with 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 to support National Priority Programs. 事实上, nearly half of all our employee-owners have served in the military at some point in their lives. Our employee-led Servicemember外展 And Referral (SOAR) program is dedicated to supporting these employee-owners, 退伍军人和军人社区, 和 推荐最近最火的赌博软件’ mission to be an employer of choice for 退伍军人 军人配偶.
So, 你是否正在从你的军事生涯过渡, 曾经或现在是军人配偶, 或者是一个已经在民间工作了几十年的老兵, 像我这样的, 我邀请你与最近比较火的正规赌博软件一起“继续使命”……和 谢谢你! 为您服务.”
——约翰C. Steckel,总裁兼首席执行官
什么是SOAR ??
推荐最近最火的赌博软件’ Servicemember外展 和转介(SOAR)计划 is an employee-led organization designed to strengthen the camaraderie, 招聘, 新员工培训, 和 morale of fellow veteran 和 military spouse employee-owners through engagement inside 和 outside our company.
SOAR为老员工提供了相互交流的机会, 协助服务人员的过渡, 退伍军人, 军人配偶, 传播关于推荐最近最火的赌博软件的信息, 参加全公司庆祝军事遗产的活动.